Rotary Avivtek Afeka Club
I'd like to be a member of a club that accepts people like me
Rotary Afeka Avivtek is a club in a unique model of the International Rotary Organization.
Our club members are High-tech professionals, entrepreneurs, managers, investors and senior members of the high-tech community
The AvivTEK Club is a unique model of the World Rotary Organization, a non-profit organization whose goal is to create a better world while doing so for the community.
The club has members of Israeli high-tech people (CEOs, investors, entrepreneurs and senior industry executives), including CEOs of high-tech companies, investors, senior executives and various consultants who help young high-tech companies in management, positioning, M&A, recruitment, technology, sales, marketing, business development and more.
The club operates at Afeka College where most of the meetings are conducted, with more than 60 members.